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单位:河南农业大学     作者:杜扬     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-04-24

摘 要:余荫山房是岭南传统私家园林的代表之一,园中特色“满洲窗”更是岭南匠人的智慧结晶。文章以图像资料和文献记载为依据,针对余荫山房的满洲窗形制样式、工艺、题材纹饰进行综合考证,并对园内满洲窗的各部分进行色彩分析。在此基础上,深入研究和探索其独特的艺术特征和丰富的文化内涵。


中图分类号:TU238 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Yuyin Mountain House is one of the representatives of lingnan traditional private garden, and the characteristic "Manchurian window" in the garden is the wisdom crystallization of Lingnan craftsmen. Based on image data and literature records, this paper conducts a comprehensive textual research on the Manchurian window of Yuyin Shanfang in terms of its shape, craftsmanship, and theme decoration, and analyzes the color of each part of the Manchurian window in the garden. On this basis, in-depth research and exploration of its unique artistic characteristics and rich cultural connotations.

Key Words:Yuyin Mountain House; Manchurian window; Artistic features; Cultural connotations