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单位:天津工业大学...     作者:许妍娜,倪春洪     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-04-24

摘 要:忍冬纹是魏晋南北朝时期常见的装饰题材,其艺术价值是现代设计不可或缺的灵感来源。为全面推广文化自信理念,促进传统纹样与旅游文化创意产品设计发展的有机结合,文章以响堂山石窟忍冬纹装饰元素为研究对象,挖掘提炼响堂山石窟忍冬纹的文化内涵与审美特征,对其造型、色彩及构成法则进行提炼梳理,从而设计出符合石窟文化的旅游文化创意产品。希望通过文章的研究不仅能使传统纹样得以升华创新,也能为当地文化创意产品设计提供新的发展方向。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Honeysuckle pattern was a common decorative theme in wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, and its artistic value was an indispensable inspiration source for modern design.In order to fully promote the concept of cultural confidence and promote the organic combination of traditional patterns and the development of tourism cultural creative product design, this paper takes honeysuckle decorative elements in Xiangtang Mountain grottoes as the research object, and excavates and extracts the cultural connotation and aesthetic characteristics of honeysuckle patterns in Xiangtang Mountain grottoes.By refining and combing its shape, color and constitution rules, creative products of tourism culture in line with grottoes' cultural feelings are designed. It can not only sublimate the traditional ethnic patterns and innovate, but also provide a new development direction for the design of local cultural creative products.

Key Words:Xiangtang Mountain Grottoes; Honeysuckle pattern; Tourism cultural Creative Products; Design; Application