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单位:北方工业大学     作者:黄秀琴     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-04-24

摘 要:面对日益复杂的山区救援行动,大型设备难以进入救援场所,需要通过大量的人力进行救援,外骨骼可为有负重需求的人提供助力,满足多种作业需求。文章首先研究了山区救援基本情况及外骨骼发展概况;其次通过分析人体关节运动和步态特征,得出面向山区救援的无动力下肢外骨骼的设计原则;最后根据这些设计原则进行了设计实践。通过文章的研究,以期在保证结构合理的基础上,对无动力下肢外骨骼的外观造型进行优化设计,从而打破传统外骨骼的机械感,赋予机械以美感并注入情感化元素。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Faced with increasingly complex rescue operations in mountainous areas, it is difficult for large equipment to enter rescue sites, requiring a large amount of manpower to transport materials. Exoskeletons can provide assistance for people with weight-bearing needs and meet a variety of operational needs. First, the basic situation of mountain rescue and the general situation of exoskeleton development are studied. Second, the design principles of unpowered lower limb exoskeleton for mountain rescue are obtained by analyzing the human joint movement and gait characteristics. Finally, the design practice is carried out according to these design principles. Through the research in this article, we hope to optimize the appearance of the unpowered lower extremity exoskeleton on the basis of ensuring a reasonable structure, so as to break the mechanical and cold feeling of the traditional exoskeleton, give the machine a sense of beauty and inject emotional elements.

Key Words:Mountain Rescue; Unpowered Lower Limb Exoskeleton; Shape Design