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单位:上海电机学院     作者:徐嘉怡,胡昊琪     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-04-22

摘 要:随着社会的发展和人们文化水平的提高,教育问题开始受到家庭的重视,儿童科普玩具的需求也随之与日俱增。一方面,市场上很多儿童科普玩具产品都只关注其外观,没有真正地从儿童的需求和认知的角度出发设计研发产品;另一方面,随着城市化进程的加速,儿童能够接触和感受大自然的机会越来越少。因此,文章针对以上问题,运用服务设计的方法对儿童农业科普玩具进行设计研究,提升产品的趣味性和体验感,以期为同类型儿童产品设计提供思路。


中图分类号:TS958.02 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of society and the improvement of cultural level, education issues are more and more valued by families, and the demand for children's popular science toys is also increasing day by day. On the one hand, many children's popular science toy products on the market only pay attention to their appearance, and do not really design and develop products from the perspective of children's needs and cognition; on the other hand, with the acceleration of urbanization, children have fewer and fewer opportunities to contact and feel nature. Therefore, in view of the above problems, this study uses the service design analysis method to design and study children's agricultural science toys to enhance product interest and experience, in order to provide ideas for the design of the same type of children's products.

Key Words:Children ; Agriculture ; Popular Science Toys ; Service Design