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单位:广东农工商职...     作者:李燕茹     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-04-22

摘 要:非物质文化遗产“醒狮”文化创意产品课程的体系建设是以传统文化为内涵,以数字化产品形态为表现形式,探索课程的建设路径。通过挖掘岭南本土的文化特色、风俗风情,形成课程特色,利用非物质文化遗产项目承载的文化内涵和历史底蕴,培养学生精益求精的工匠精神,增强其文化自信。  


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:By taking the traditional culture as the connotation and digital product form as the expression, the cultural and creative product curriculum system construction of intangible cultural heritage "Dancing Lion" explores the path of curriculum construction. Through the excavation of the local cultural characteristics and customs of Lingnan, it tries to form curriculum characteristics. By taking advantage of the cultural connotation and historical heritage carried by intangible cultural heritage projects, it hops to cultivate students' craftsman spirit of excellence and enhance cultural self-confidence.

Key Words:Dancing Lion; digital design course; Curriculum development