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单位:同济大学     作者:裴竟艺     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-04-22

摘 要:在城市信息化程度快速提升和交互显示技术高速发展的背景下,城市公共空间对于多样化的交互方式产生了日益增长的需求。在此背景下,文章尝试探究基于数字游戏的城市公共空间交互设计。首先,指出目前城市公共空间中交互方式存在的问题,明确了基于数字游戏的城市公共空间交互设计意义;以城市公共空间参与者的需求和体验为支撑点,在对数字游戏中的场景与界面交互方式进行调研与梳理的基础上,总结得出基于数字游戏的城市公共空间交互设计的五点思路。通过文章的研究,以期对未来的城市公共空间交互设计提供一些灵感。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the rapid development of urban informatization and interactive display technology, urban public spaces look forward to more diverse ways of interaction. In this context, this article attempts to explore the interactive design of urban public spaces based on digital games. Firstly, the thesis point out problems in the existing public space interaction design, clarifying the significance of the investigation. Secondly, the thesis analyze the features of the way players interact with the scenes and interfaces in digital games. In the end, the thesis summarized several design ideas of applying game interaction mode into unban public spaces from the view of participants’ demand and experience. Hopefully, the research of this paper can provide some inspiration for the future interaction design of urban public space.

Key Words:Digital Games; Urban Public Space; Interaction Design