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单位:云南艺术学院     作者:李尤佳,梁择宏,蔡唯丽     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-03-18

摘 要:云南是一个拥有25个世居少数民族的省份,各族原始先民经过历史的演变和生产生活环境的影响,创造了自己独特的少数民族图案。这些图案不仅集中反映了原始先民的思维创造能力与审美能力,还为儿童绘本的创作注入了新的文化力量。因此,文章尝试探讨云南少数民族图案在儿童绘本编创设计中的应用,首先,阐述了云南少数民族图案及儿童绘本编创设计相关内容;其次,总结出云南少数民族图案在儿童绘本编创设计中的应用原则;最后,以儿童绘本《彝·虎虎生威》为例进行了分析。通过文章的研究,以期能够丰富少数民族原创绘本的多样性。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Yunnan is a province with 25 ethnic minorities. The primitive ancestors of all ethnic groups have created their own unique ethnic minority patterns through historical evolution and the influence of production and living environment. These patterns not only reflect the thinking, creativity and aesthetic ability of the primitive ancestors, but also inject new cultural power into the creation of children's picture books. Therefore, this paper attempts to explore the application of Yunnan ethnic minority patterns in the compilation and creation design of children's picture books. Firstly, it expounds the Yunnan ethnic minority patterns and the compilation and creation design of children's picture books. Secondly, it summarizes the application principles of ethnic patterns in the compilation and creation design of children's picture books. Finally, it takes the children's picture book Yi Hu Sheng Wei as an example. Through the research of this article, we hope to enrich the diversity of ethnic minority original picture books.

Key Words:Yunnan; National patterns; Children's picture books; Creative design; Application