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单位:西南财经大学...     作者:房慧     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-03-18

摘 要:客家人在漫长而艰辛的迁徙史中形成了独特的客家传统文化,各个客家聚集地也在城市社区建设中大力发展了客家文化,但就目前现状而言,客家文化与城市社区建设之间缺乏关联性与系统性,社区公共设施建设发展滞后且同质化严重,因此文章立足于客家传统文化特色,尝试把客家物质、精神、活动等文化因素融入社区公共设施设计之中,并提出基于客家文化特色的社区公共设施系统设计原则。以期客家传统文化在社区建设中得到传承创新,也使社区品质得到进一步提升优化。


中图分类号:TU984.12 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Longtan Temple (community) in Chenghua District, Chengdu, as one of the five Hakka scenes in Dongshan, has a profound Hakka culture, but there is a lack of relevance and systemicity between Hakka culture and community construction. The development of community public facilities is lagging and homogenization is serious. Therefore, the article is based on the characteristics of Chengdu Longtan Hakka traditional culture, tries to integrate Hakka material, spirit, activities and other cultural factors into the design of community public facilities, and proposes a feasible strategy for the system design of Chengdu Longtan Hakka cultural characteristic community public facilities.

Key Words: Hakka Traditional Culture; Community Public Facilities; System Design