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单位:中国矿业大学     作者:丁群,卢星     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-03-18

摘 要:随着我国医药产品的发展、老龄化人口及医疗保健需求的增加,家庭检测与治疗走进大众视野。针对需长期吸氧、改善、延缓病情的老年人群,家庭健康制氧作为一种智能护理的形式出现。文章通过对老年康氧产品及家庭生活环境进行用户体验分析和设计实践,以用户体验为中心,分析总结家庭康氧环境下的产品现状,以期构建智能检测康氧模块,满足老年人群家庭吸氧的需求。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the large-scale development of China's pharmaceutical products, the aging population and the increasing demand for medical care, home testing and treatment have entered the public eye. For people who need long-term oxygen inhalation to improve and delay the disease, family health oxygen production has emerged as a new form of intelligent care. Through the user experience analysis and design practice of the elderly Kangxi products and the family living environment, the article analyzes and summarizes the current situation of the products in the family oxygen environment with user experience as the center, and builds the intelligent detection of the oxygen module to meet the needs of the elderly. The design meets the needs of the current age and the design of Kangyang products for elderly families.

Key Words:User Experience; Elderly Family; Health Oxygen Environment; Product Design