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单位:湖南理工学院     作者:张欣宇,刘乃芳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-03-18

摘 要:叙事资源是一个地域历史文化的重要体现,湘江作为长沙市重要的水域资源,是其千百年来历史文化的重要发源地。如今长沙湘江周边的叙事资源出现了载体陈旧、形式落后的现象,因此难以吸引大批量的游客前往,叙事类景观的建造也难以实现其原有的价值。文章将从长沙湘江风光带现有的叙事资源出发,结合叙事景观价值的相关理论进行景观叙事空间营造的相关分析,以期湘江段的叙事资源建设更加具有艺术性、合理性和历史文化性。


中图分类号:TU984.1 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Narrative resources are an important reflection of historical and cultural factors in a region. Xiangjiang River, as an important water resource of Changsha city, is the birthplace of its history and culture for thousands of years.Nowadays, narrative resources around The Xiangjiang River in Changsha are outdated in carrier and form, so it is difficult to attract a large number of tourists, and the construction of narrative landscape is also difficult to realize its original value.This paper will start from the existing narrative resources of xiangjiang scenic belt in Changsha, and analyze the construction of landscape narrative space in combination with relevant theories of narrative landscape value, so as to help the construction of narrative resources in Xiangjiang section to be more artistic, reasonable and historical and cultural.

Key Words:Xiangjiang scenic belt; Landscape narrative; Space to build