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单位:西安建筑科技...     作者:王敏     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-03-18

摘 要:社会经济的高速发展与精神文明的快速提升,得益于互联网技术和科技的迅猛发展,为了有效的整合、重组社会各类闲置资源,共享价值理念应运而生。文章着眼于办公空间设计,以共享价值理念为出发点,落脚于联合办公空间的设计研究,在共享办公空间、资源、设备和服务的设计理念下,结合工作与生活共融的价值理念,通过对联合办公模式的解读,阐述了办公空间设计的意义,并提出其设计思路。以期促进联合办公空间设计的发展,为办公空间设计提供新思路。


中图分类号:TU243 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the rapid development of social economy and spiritual civilization, profiting from the development of Internet technology, the concept of shared value came into being in order to recombine various idle resources. Focuses on the office space design, this paper deciphers the Co-office mode, expounds the significance of office space design, and summarizes the design ideas. Combined with the value of work and life, this paper proceeds from shared value and researches the design of Co-office space, also, it was influenced by the concept of  sharing office space, resources, equipment and services. This study can help to promote and provide new ideas for the Co-office space design.

Key Words:Shared Value; Co-working Space; Design