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单位:上海电机学院     作者:曾小蝶,侯佳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-03-18

摘 要:近年来,互联网成为农产品销售的主要渠道,直播带货也成为田间新常态,“互联网+”视域下的农产品包装设计成为消费者与农产品之间的视觉交流方式之一。文章首先分析总结出农产品包装设计的存在问题,然后阐述了“互联网+”视域下的农产品包装设计意义,最后提出“互联网+”视域下的农产品包装设计策略。以期包装能传递出农产品的自身特色,凸显农产品包装设计的地域文化色彩,满足新一代消费者的购买需求。

关键词:“互联网+”; 农产品;包装设计 

中图分类号:TS206.2 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In recent years, the Internet has become the main channel for the sale of agricultural products, live delivery of goods has become the new normal in the field, and the packaging design of agricultural products from the perspective of "Internet +" has become one of the visual communication ways between consumers and agricultural products. This paper first analyzes and summarizes the existing problems of agricultural packaging design, and then expounds the significance of agricultural packaging design from the perspective of "Internet +", and finally puts forward the relevant strategies of agricultural packaging design from the perspective of "Internet +". It is expected that the packaging can convey the characteristics of agricultural products, highlight the regional cultural color of agricultural product packaging design, and meet the purchase needs of a new generation of consumers.

Key Words:"Internet +"; Agricultural Products; Packaging Design