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单位:1.南华大学松...     作者:康红娜,文艺,陈谦     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-03-17

摘 要:当代中国大学生承载着实现中华民族伟大复兴的重任,这一时期正处于成长期的青年大学生思想容易受到影响,另外大学阶段的学习是与企业和社会密切接轨的,因此在产学研一体化的多导师教育背景下,既要关注课堂教学引导,还要关注企业实践引领。既要打造大学生丰富多彩的、具有个性与社会性的健全人格,又要使学生保持初心。文章基于此,提出产学研一体的《可持续设计》课程教学改革,通过六个方面的改革策略,以期增强学生的文化自信与社会责任感,强化课程内外双向实践育人效果,为产学研一体化的教学模式创新提升提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:contemporary Chinese college students is bearing the weight of the burden of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, this period is in the midst of the growth of the youth ideological and easy to be affected, the other university stage of learning is closely connected with the enterprise and society, so under the background of production-teaching-research combination of multiple teacher education should not only focus on classroom teaching guide, but also focuses on the leading enterprises. It is necessary not only to create students with colorful, individual and social sound personality, but also to keep students' original intention. Based on this, the paper puts forward the teaching reform of "Sustainable Design", which integrates production, education and research. Through six reform strategies, it can enhance cultural confidence and social responsibility, and strengthen the effect of two-way practice and education inside and outside the curriculum. In order to provide some basic research for the innovation of teaching mode of industry-university-research integration.

Key Words:Industry-university-research Integration; "Sustainable Design" Course; Curriculum Teaching Reform; School-enterprise Cooperation