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单位:广东农工商职...     作者:谭杉     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-02-21

摘 要:传统编织工艺,是古代群众以生活事物、创意思维为主形成的手工艺。在长期发展中,吸收了传统文化的内涵。若融入现代首饰设计中,能赋予首饰个性化与时尚感。文章首先阐述了传统编制工艺的技法,然后阐述了传统编织工艺在现代首饰设计中的运用意义及方法,最后阐述了传统编织工艺在现代首饰设计中的注意事项。以期传承传统编织工艺的同时,创新现代首饰设计的思路。


中图分类号:TS934.3 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The traditional weaving craft, is the ancient people to life things, creative thinking, the formation of handicraft. In the long-term development, absorb the traditional cultural connotation. If integrated into modern jewelry design, jewelry can be personalized and fashion sense. This paper expounds the techniques of traditional weaving technology, then explains the application methods of traditional weaving technology in modern jewelry design, and finally expounds the matters needing attention of traditional weaving technology in modern jewelry design. In order to inherit the traditional weaving technology, and at the same time to innovate the idea of modern jewelry design.

Key Words:Traditional Weaving Technology; Modern Jewelry Design; Application