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单位:福建农林大学     作者:潘邦金,贾祺悦,陈祖建     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-02-21

摘 要:传统民居建筑是人们感受社会文化发展的一个重要媒介。目前国内关于传统民居建筑的理论研究多从建筑自身结构和空间布局等内容展开,缺少多学科融合的多元化思考,尤其缺少从文化符号学视角的研究。文章以索绪尔和皮尔斯的符号学理论为基础,对传统民居进行符号学解析,并通过莫里斯的符构学、符义学及符用学理论,结合严复故居分析其建筑之美,以文化符号学的视觉探析福州传统民居的建筑设计美学。


中图分类号:TU241.5 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Traditional folk houses are an important medium for us to feel the social and cultural development. At present, the domestic theoretical research on traditional folk houses mostly focuses on the structure and spatial layout of the building itself, and lacks the diversified thinking of multi-disciplinary integration, especially the research from the perspective of cultural semiotics. Based on Saussure's and Pierce's semiotic theory, this paper makes a semiotic analysis of the traditional folk houses, analyzes the architectural beauty of Yan Fu's former residence through Morris's Semiotics, semantics and application theory, and analyzes the architectural design aesthetics of traditional folk houses in Fuzhou from the perspective of cultural semiotics.

Key Words:Cultural Semiotics; Fuzhou Traditional Residential Buildings; Yan Fu's Former Residence; Architectural Design Aesthetics