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单位:广州商学院     作者:麦嘉雯,李诚,李沿睿     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-02-21

摘 要:为解决儿童床使用功能单一、使用时限短、难以满足不同年龄段儿童的使用需求等问题,文章将QFD质量功能展开理论与TRIZ创新发明问题解决理论集成应用于儿童床创新设计中。根据用户调研所得数据,运用QFD质量功能展开将用户需求转化为设计参数,在此基础上,运用TRIZ理论的39个通用参数和40个发明原理,分析并解决儿童床设计中功能与结构、功能与稳定性、结构与稳定性的矛盾问题,从而实现产品的多功能。为儿童床等儿童家具产品的设计研发提供行动指南。


中图分类号:TS664 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In order to solve the problems of single use function, short use time limit, and difficulty in meeting the needs of children of different age, the QFD quality function expansion theory and the TRIZ innovative invention problem solving theory are integrated and applied to the innovative design of the crib. According to the data obtained from user research, the QFD quality function is used to transform user needs into design parameters. On this basis, 39 general parameters and 40 invention principles of TRIZ are used to analyze and solve the function and structure, function and function of children's bed design. The contradictory issues of stability, structure and stability, realize the multi-function of the product. Provide action guidelines for the design and development of children's furniture products such as children's beds. 

Key Words:Furniture design; QFD; TRIZ; Children's bed; Innovative design