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单位:天津商业大学     作者:祝琳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-02-18

摘 要:人们通过识别产品色彩从而对品牌进行最直观的辨认。为了使企业品牌形象能够得以提升,对产品的色彩进行统筹规划是非常必要的。按市场现象统计来看,产品的色彩基因设计都遵循着一定规律。文章首先阐述了产品色彩基因的相关内容,然后分析了产品设计色彩基因的因素,并进一步构建了产品色彩基因。文章运用生物遗传学的基因学说,来研究产品设计中色彩的传承方式和产品色彩基因。分析产品色彩 DNA 在传承的过程中所表现出来的色彩遗传和变异现象,以期为日后产品设计的色彩运用提供一定的依据。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The color of product design is one of the most effective ways for people to identify the brand. The overall planning of brand product color helps to improve the brand image of enterprises. Product design color genes are present in the market performance The regularity of. In this paper, the related content of product color gene is described, and the factors of product design color gene are analyzed, and the related research of product design color gene is further constructed. This paper draws lessons from genes in biological genetics to study the inheritance of color and product color genes in product design. The color heredity and variation of product color DNA in the process of inheritance were analyzed. It provides a certain basis for the use of color in future product design.

Key Words:Product design; Color; Genes; Color genetic