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单位:中国矿业大学     作者:董职著,朱小军     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-02-18

摘 要:随着国家乡村振兴进程的推进,乡村再生设计面临着诸多问题。一方面乡村人口向城市迁移,导致乡村产生空心化现象;另一方面乡村生态环境等问题也凸显出来,乡村可持续发展乏力,乡村发展需要转型。文章通过对可持续理念下的乡村再生设计面临的困难进行剖析,针对性提出乡村环境、文化、经济等再生设计策略,以小野窑村为例进行设计实践探究,以期为相关设计提供借鉴与参考。


中图分类号:TU982.29 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the advancement of national development and the acceleration of urbanization, while obtaining economic benefits, rural development also faces some problems. On the one hand, rural population migrates to cities, resulting in the phenomenon of rural hollowing out. On the other hand, rural ecological environment and other problems are also prominent, rural sustainable development is weak, rural development needs transformation.Through the analysis of the difficulties faced by the rural regeneration design under the concept of sustainability, the paper puts forward the regeneration design strategies of rural environment, culture and economy, and takes Xiaoyeyao Village as an example to explore the design practice, in order to provide reference for relevant design.

Key Words:Sustainable; Rural area; Regenerative design