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单位:江西财经大学...     作者:陈尔纯,李刚     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-01-19

摘 要:博物馆是集征集、典藏、陈列和研究代表自然和人类文化遗产的实物为一体的场所,并对那些具有科学性、历史性或者艺术价值的物品进行分类,其也是为公众提供知识、教育和欣赏的文化教育的公共建筑类型之一,具有重要的社会价值和意义。近年来,由于大众的文化生活水平的飞速提升,不同类型及规模的博物馆在各地应运而生。目前,国内外对于博物馆衔接空间的设计思考大多只占研究的一小部分,针对展示空间内部衔接空间的主题设计研究偏少。文章通过实地调研考察江西省南昌市内的多数博物馆后,选取其中两所知名博物馆进行深入调查与分析,并提出相关建议与设计策略。以期为博物馆衔接空间的设计研究提供一定的借鉴。


中图分类号:TU242.5 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Museums are places that collect, display and study objects representing natural and human cultural heritage and classify those objects with scientific, historical or artistic value, and are one of the types of public buildings that provide knowledge, education and appreciation of culture and education for the public, and have important social value and significance. In recent years, due to the rapid improvement of the public's cultural life, different types and scales of museums have emerged in various places. At present, most of the domestic and foreign considerations on the design of the articulated space of museums only account for a small part of the research, and there are few researches on the theme design of the articulated space inside the exhibition space. The article selects two of the well-known museums to conduct in-depth investigation and analysis through field research and inspection of most museums in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, and puts forward relevant suggestions and design strategies. It is expected to provide a certain reference for the design and research of the connecting space of the museum.

Key Words:Museum; Articulated space; Design Strategy