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单位:齐齐哈尔工程学院     作者:任杰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-01-19

摘 要:公共环境标志是一种特殊的视觉符号语言,为人民提供了非常重要的视觉信息。随着城市进程的加快,公共环境标识对生态环境也造成了一定影响,其中不规范、不科学、使用寿命短、资源无法再次利用等问题,不仅浪费了自然资源,也给城市环境带来了负面影响。文章首先阐述了生态设计的基本概念,然后阐述了城市公共环境标识的生态设计意义,最后提出了自然生态、可持续发展和以人为本的城市公共环境标识的生态设计原则,以及城市公共环境的生态设计思路。以期为城市公共环境标识及探索城市生态环境的营造提供一些思路。


中图分类号:TU984.115 文献标识码:A


Abstract: public environment sign is a special visual symbol language which provides very important visual information for people. With the acceleration of the urban process, public environmental signs have also caused certain impacts on the ecological environment, including non-standard, unscientific, short service life, resources can not be reused and other problems, which is not only a waste of natural resources, but also a negative impact on the urban environment. Firstly, the paper expounds the basic concept of ecological design, and puts forward the significance of studying the ecological design of urban public environment sign. Secondly, it determines the ecological design principles of natural ecology, sustainable development and people-oriented urban public environment sign. Finally, it puts forward the ecological design ideas of urban public environment. In order to the city public environment identification and explore the construction of urban ecological environment to provide some ideas.

Key Words:Public environment design; Ecological design; Logo design