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单位:景德镇陶瓷大学     作者:陈倩如,赵嫣然     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-01-19

摘 要:文章以建立人—产品—环境协调的产品创新设计流程为目的,探讨可供性与行为之间的关系,并以可供性产生机制的逆向作用为基础,探讨在行为分析视角下可供性在产品创新设计流程中的运用。整个设计流程分为三个步骤,从行为到信息再到产品创新,并结合现有案例来论述设计创新流程的具体内容和实施要点,同时分析这一流程的可行性,为设计师进行产品创新提供思路。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The article aims to establish a human-product-environmentally coordinated product innovation design process, discussing the relationship between availability and behavior, and based on the reverse effect of the availability generation mechanism, discussing availability from the perspective of behavior analysis Application in the product innovation design process. The entire design process is divided into three steps, from behavior to information to product innovation. Combining with existing cases, it discusses the specific content and implementation points of the design innovation process. At the same time, it analyzes the feasibility of this process and carries out product innovation for designers. Provide ideas.

Key Words:behavior analysis; affordance; Innovative product design; flow path; application