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单位:福州大学厦门...     作者:向晴,刘晓宏     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-01-19

摘 要:在红色旅游与乡村旅游蓬勃发展的当下,两种旅游形式在一定程度上资源融合率极高。文章首先分析了红色乡村旅游的发展与乡村振兴之间的关系,探索了目前红色乡村旅游发展中存在的一系列问题及应对策略。然后以巫坊村为例探索了红色旅游与乡村旅游融合的发展策略,协调政府、企业、村民三方关系,依托当地旅游资源,打造特色“红+绿”旅游项目。以期扩大宣传面,提高游客的复游率。


中图分类号:F592 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the booming development of red tourism and rural tourism, the two forms of tourism have a very high rate of resource integration to a certain extent. The article first analyzes the relationship between the development of red rural tourism and rural revitalization, explores a series of problems and coping strategies in the current development of red rural tourism, and then takes Wufang Village as an example to explore the integration of red tourism and rural tourism. strategy, coordinate the tripartite relationship between the government, enterprises and villagers, and rely on local tourism resources to create characteristic "red + green" tourism projects. In order to expand the scope of publicity and at the same time achieve targeted publicity, improve the rate of tourists returning to visit.

Key Words:Red Rural Tourism; Rural Revitalization; "Red + Green" Integrated Development