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单位:西华大学美术...     作者:刘倩,王崇东     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-01-19

摘 要:火锅作为中国美食的一种独特菜式,有着广泛的影响力。但是当下火锅餐具设计缺少特色,不能满足现代火锅消费市场的需求。文章通过对火锅品牌文化进行分析总结,并结合当下火锅餐具设计发展的现状以及市场需求,以火锅品牌文化为切入点,将其融入餐具设计中,提出火锅品牌文化下的餐具设计价值与思路。以期为今后的火锅餐具设计提供新的设计思路,实现对餐饮品牌的传播和发展,满足人们在火锅消费过程中的就餐趣味,传播中华传统美食文化。


中图分类号:TS972.23 文献标识码:A


Abstract:hot pot, as a unique dish of Chinese cuisine, has a wide influence. In view of the current lack of characteristics in the design of hot pot tableware, it can not meet the needs of modern hot pot consumer market. This paper analyzes and summarizes the hot pot brand culture, combined with the current development status and market demand of hot pot tableware design, takes the hot pot brand culture as the starting point, integrates it into tableware design, and focuses on the value and principles of tableware design based on brand culture. In order to provide new design ideas for the future hot pot tableware design, realize the dissemination and development of catering brands, meet people's dining interests in the process of hot pot consumption, and spread the Chinese traditional hot pot food culture.

Key Words:Hot pot Brand culture; Tableware design; Design ideas