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单位:湖南理工学院     作者:郇思楠     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-01-19

摘 要:近年来,红色旅游产业得到认可并成为了热点话题,但红色文化创意产品的研发却相对滞后,包装作为人们对产品的第一印象,很难给用户留下深刻的印象,不利于红色文化产业的发展。因此,文章在红色文化创意产品包装设计中引入交互理念,注重用户的情感体验,结合当前时代背景下的市场需求和发展方向,探究以“情感、体验、功能”为指导的红色文化创意产品包装设计的思路与方法。以期构建更为合理的、具有系统性的红色文化创意产品包装设计体系,使其更好地继承和发扬红色文化精神。


中图分类号:TB482 文献标识码:A


Abstract: In recent years, the red tourism industry has been recognized and become a hot topic, but the research and development of red cultural creative products is relatively lagging behind, packaging as the first impression of the product, it is difficult to leave a deep impression on users, not conducive to the development of the red cultural industry. Therefore, in the red creative product packaging design to introduce interactive concepts, pay attention to the user's emotional experience, combined with the current era of market demand and development direction, explore the "emotion, experience, function" as the guide of the red cultural creative product packaging design ideas and methods, to build a more reasonable, systematic red cultural creative product packaging design system, so that it better inherit and carry forward the red culture spirit.

Key Words:Interactive concepts; Red culture; Packaging design