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单位:洛阳理工学院...     作者:李梦黎     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-01-19

摘 要:地域古建是地域竞争的文化软实力,文章以地域古建的保护传承为背景,首先阐述了地域古建保护传承背景下环境设计专业课程教学改革的意义,然后提出了地域古建保护传承背景下环境设计专业课程教学改革的思路。以期为地方院校特色专业的建设及地域古建资源的盘活提供参考。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Regional ancient architecture is the cultural soft power of regional competition. This article takes the protection and inheritance of regional ancient buildings as the background. This paper first expounds the significance of teaching reform of environmental design specialty under the background of regional ancient architecture protection and inheritance, and then puts forward the teaching reform ideas of environmental design specialty specialty under the background of regional ancient architecture protection and inheritance.. In order to provide reference for the future research.

Key Words: Regional ancient architecture; Protection and inheritance; Environmental Design; Curriculum reform