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单位:西安石油大学     作者:曹盼宫,国歌     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-12-27

摘 要:近年来,我国大城市的景观设计发展呈饱和状态,使得一些规划设计呈现向中小城市转移的趋势,公园多元场所的营造在此背景下面临诸多环境与人为问题的缺失。因此,文章首先阐述了公园空间场所的概念,然后探讨中小城市多元场所公园的营造策略,最后以永城市日月湖公园设计为例进行分析。以期为相关景观设计提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:TU984.18 文献标识码:A


Abstract: In recent years, the landscape design development of my country's big cities has been saturated, and some planning and design from the perspective of the new era showed the trend of metastasis to small and medium-sized cities. The creation of multi-diversified places in the park faces many environments and human problems. Therefore, this paper first expounds the concept of park space, then discusses the construction strategy of multi-site park in small and medium-sized cities, and finally analyzes the design of Yongcheng Riyuehu Park as an example. In order to provide some reference for related landscape design.

Key Words:small and medium-sized cities; multiple places; interactive landscapes; space creation