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单位:内蒙古鸿德文...     作者:乔易     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-12-27

摘 要:文章以中国民族动画事业为研究对象,结合汤姆·摩尔动画电影的分析,围绕新时代背景下中国民族动画发展展开研究。首先,对目前我国民族动画电影发展总体情况进行了全面的分析;其次,从叙事、光影、构图三个不同的方面,对汤姆·摩尔动画电影特点进行了深入的研究;最后,通过分析汤姆·摩尔动画电影对中国民族动画主题选择、叙事结构、视觉元素运用、美术符号挖掘四方面的启示,希望能够为中国民族动画创作提供一种新思路,并为中国民族动画未来的可持续发展提供更多的理论基础。


中图分类号:J954 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper takes The Chinese national animation career as the research object, combined with the analysis of Tom Moore's animation films, and focuses on the development of Chinese national animation in the new era. First of all, it makes a comprehensive analysis of the overall situation of the development of China's national animated films. Secondly, from the narrative, light and shadow, composition of three different aspects of The characteristics of Tom Moore's animated films are deeply studied; Finally, through analyzing the inspiration of Moore's animation films on the theme selection, narrative structure, application of visual elements and mining of art symbols, we hope to provide a new idea for the creation of Chinese national animation and provide more theoretical basis for the sustainable development of Chinese national animation in the future.

Key Words:Tom Moore; Animated films; China; National animation; Inspirations