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单位:福州工商学院     作者:陈开科     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-12-27

摘 要:中国的漆艺有几千年的历史,传统漆艺工艺和现代设计可以体现出双重文化特征。现代的产品设计可以根据不同的类型选择不同的漆艺技术。文章首先探讨了中国传统漆艺,分析和总结了传统漆艺的艺术语言。其次,从材料的天然性和工艺的特殊性阐述了传统漆艺的艺术语言在产品设计中的应用意义。最后通过我国漆艺产品相对集中的产地产品进行漆艺设计语言的解析。文章通过将现代设计和传统漆艺进行融合,能够使传统的漆艺更加具有现代气息,并通过产品设计,使现代漆器获得更高的附加价值和独特气质。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Chinese lacquer art has thousands of years of history, traditional lacquer art craft and modern design, can reflect the dual cultural characteristics. Modern product design combined with traditional lacquer art design language, product design can choose different lacquer art technology according to different types. This paper first discusses the traditional Chinese lacquer art, analyzes and summarizes the design language of traditional lacquer art, then expounds the application significance of traditional lacquer art design language in product design from the natural nature of materials and the particularity of technology, and finally analyzes the lacquer art design language through the relatively concentrated origin products of Chinese lacquer art products. By integrating modern design and traditional lacquer art, the article can make traditional lacquer art more modern, and through product design, the modern lacquer ware will gain higher added value and unique temperament.

Key Words:traditional lacquer art; Artistic language; The product design; application