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单位:湖州师范学院...     作者:李婷,张禄     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-12-27

摘 要:作为旅行的必备物品,市场上出现了各种各样的旅行收纳产品,然而市场上针对不同用户需求而设计的具有空间调节功能的行李箱却很少。文章首先对现有空间可调节旅行箱进行分析,然后分析不同年龄段人群对旅行箱的需求,最后提出空间可调节旅行箱设计的思路,并赋予实践。以期在原有的旅行箱的基础上对其内部空间进行调整,来满足用户在不同场景的不同需求,提高旅行箱空间的利用率。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As a necessary item for travel, there are a variety of travel storage products in the market. However, there are few suitcases with space adjustment function designed for different user needs in the market. This paper first analyzes the existing space adjustable suitcases, then analyzes the needs of different users for suitcases, and finally puts forward the design idea of space adjustable suitcases and gives it practice. In order to adjust the internal space based on the original suitcase to meet the different needs of users in different scenes and improve the utilization of suitcase space.

Key Words:Space adjustable; suitcase; Design