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单位:呼和浩特职业...     作者:敖玉楣     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-10-29

摘 要:随着儿童对读物需求的改变,将民族文化元素应用于儿童读物插画设计中,能形成独具中国特色的插画风格。文章首先阐述了中国当代儿童读物插画设计的现状,然后阐述了民族文化元素在中国当代儿童读物插画设计中的应用意义,最后提出民族文化元素在中国当代儿童读物插画设计中的应用思路。以期传承中国民族文化,为儿童读物插画设计提供新的思路。


中图分类号:J218.5 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the change of children's reading needs, the integration of ethnic cultural elements and children's book illustration can form a unique Illustration style with Chinese characteristics. This paper first expounds and analyzes the current situation of Chinese contemporary children's book illustration design, then expounds the application significance of ethnic cultural elements in Chinese contemporary children's book illustration design, and finally puts forward the application ideas of ethnic cultural elements in Chinese contemporary children's book illustration design. In order to inherit Chinese national culture and provide new ideas for children's book illustration design.

Key Words:National Cultural Elements; Children's Books; Illustration Design; Application