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单位:哈尔滨汇丰照...     作者:夏富祥     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-10-29

摘 要:作为金代皇室御用饰物的铜坐龙和饰面照容的双鲤鱼铜镜,以其丰富多彩的纹饰与独特的造型展现在人们面前,它们的出现和存在都具有重要的历史价值,使人们对金代历史有更多的了解与认识。文章通过博物馆教育材料分析论证铜坐龙和双鲤鱼铜镜的美学价值,阐述二者元素纹样的多维创意表达,增加了人们了解博物馆文化及文物的视觉认知。从而运用多维创意表达方式和精确的文化知识创造更加丰富优秀的艺术作品。


中图分类号:K876.41 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As the imperial ornaments of the Jin Dynasty, the bronze sitting dragon and the double carp bronze mirror with the veneer shine on the face are shown in front of people with their colorful decorations and unique shapes. Their appearance and existence have profound historical value, so that people can have more understanding and understanding of the history of the Jin Dynasty. This paper analyzes and demonstrates the aesthetic value of Bronze Seat Dragon and Double-Carp Bronze Mirror through museum educational materials, expounds the multidimensional creative expression characteristics of the two elements patterns, and increases the visual cognition of people to understand the culture and cultural relics of the museum. In order to use multidimensional creative expression and accurate cultural knowledge to create more rich and excellent works of art.

Key Words:Bronze Seat Dragon; Double-Carp Bronze Mirror; Multidimensional Creative