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单位:吉林建筑大学     作者:修智英,张洒洒     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-10-29

摘 要:越剧服饰对塑造角色形象和推动剧情发展具有重要的作用,也是区分角色种类的重要依据。本文首先通过文献查阅和影像资料调查,对越剧服饰的样式、色彩、纹样进行整理;其次分析了越剧服饰文化创意产品现状及问题;再次阐述了越剧服饰文化创意产品设计意义;最后通过本文的研究,总结出产品的定位、提高品牌竞争力、创新销售方式等设计思路,以期推动越剧服饰文化创意产品的发展。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The costume of Yue Opera plays an important role in shaping the character image and promoting the development of the plot, and it is also an important basis for distinguishing the types of characters. In this paper, first of all, through literature review and image data investigation, the style, color and pattern of Yue opera costumes are sorted out. Secondly, the status quo of cultural and creative products of Yue opera costumes is analyzed. Finally, the cultural and creative products of Yue opera costumes are studied and designed. Through the research of this paper, we can determine the product positioning, improve the brand competitiveness, and innovate the sales methods, in order to promote the development of cultural and creative products of Yue opera costumes.

Key Words:Yue Opera costume; Cultural and creative products; Design