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单位:华东理工大学     作者:郭诗瑜,陈虹     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-10-29

摘 要:自上海被评为“设计之都”以来,文化创意产业不断赋能城市经济发展。虽具备良好的发展环境和文化基础,但海派文化创意产品依然存在产品同质化、与海派文化融合深度不够、产品热度低等问题。文章从人文和商业两个角度分析了海派文化创意产品设计的价值,探讨当下产品发展中存在的问题,从全新的角度归纳海派文化创意产品设计方法。以期推动海派文化创意产品紧跟时代设计潮流,借助文化创意产业在当今社会的影响力,传承海派文化精髓。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Since Shanghai was rated as the "City of Design", the cultural and creative industries have continuously enabled the city's economic development. With a good development environment and cultural foundation, Shanghai cultural creative products still have problems such as product homogeneity, insufficient integration with Shanghai culture and low popularity of products. This paper analyzes the value of Shanghai cultural creative product design from the perspective of humanity and business, and discusses the problems existing in the current product development. This paper summarizes the design methods of Shanghai cultural and creative products from a new perspective, in order to promote Shanghai cultural and creative products to keep up with the trend of The Times and inherit the essence of Shanghai culture by virtue of the influence of cultural and creative industry in today's society.

Key Words:Shanghai culture; Creative products; Design; Methods