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单位:常州工业职业...     作者:徐一菲,周丽华,吴传景     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-10-29

摘 要:当前红木家具消费者结构改变,年轻人正成为消费主体。然而市场却缺乏年轻人真正喜爱的家具产品,红木家具产品结构亟待调整,产品设计创新迫在眉睫。文章首先分析了年轻消费者的特征,然后指出当前红木家具设计存在的问题,最后提出面向年轻消费者的红木家具设计创新的思路。以期设计出更加符合年轻消费者的红木家具,扩宽传统红木家具的消费群体。


中图分类号:TS664 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Current annatto furniture consumer structure changes, young people are becoming consumption main body. However, the market is lack of young people really love furniture products, mahogany furniture product structure urgently need to be adjusted, product design innovation is imminent. This paper first analyzes the characteristics of young consumers, then points out the problems existing in the current mahogany furniture design, and finally puts forward the innovative ideas of mahogany furniture design for young consumers. With a view to design the mahogany furniture that accords with young consumer more, expand the consumer group of traditional mahogany furniture.

Key Words:Young Consumers; Mahogany Furniture; Furniture Design; Design Innovation