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单位:西南林业大学     作者:公雪君,刘欣,吴荣     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-10-29

摘 要:声景观是公园景观中五感体验的重要组成部分。随着体验旅游的兴起,景观感知不再拘泥于单一视觉形式。文章通过选取西山森林公园人流量较大的10处景点,进行实地调研和问卷调研。结果表明,西山森林公园声景观元素丰富。游客对西山森林公园的自然声景观喜爱且满意度较高,而对人工声满意度较低,其中交通声最令人不满。因此,文章针对调查结果提出昆明西山森林公园的声景观设计策略。以期为公园声景观设计提供一定的借鉴。


中图分类号:TU986.2 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Soundscape is an important part of the five senses to experience the park landscape. With the rise of experiential tourism, landscape perception is no longer restricted to a single visual form. Through selecting Xishan Forest Park larger flow of people at 10 sites, field research and questionnaire survey analysis. The results show that Xishan Forest Park is rich in soundscape elements. Tourists love the natural sound landscape of Xishan Forest Park and are highly satisfied, but have low satisfaction with artificial sound. Among them, traffic sounds are the most dissatisfied. Based on the survey results, Based on the survey results, this paper puts forward the sound landscape design strategy of Xishan Forest Park in Kunming. In order to provide some reference for park sound landscape design.

Key Words:Xishan Forest Park; Soundscape; Design