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单位:澳门科技大学...     作者:张艺     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-10-29

摘 要:近年来,城市存量更新是城市设计的主流,相较于“大拆大建”的城市建设,存量更新更贴合可持续发展的理念。面对规划不合理或管理不善等原因导致的未被合理利用的畸零空间,公共艺术成了一种不可或缺的普遍而可靠的应用手段。特别是对社区畸零空间的处理,公共艺术的介入与应用可以成为一种方法论。文章通过分析社区畸零空间的现状、特征及成因,在借鉴国内外案例的基础上,提出公共艺术介入社区畸零空间的更新改造策略。以期将无人问津的社区畸零空间营造成具有人文关怀的生活空间,唤起居民的认同感、归属感,赋予城市更多的生机与活力。


中图分类号:TU984.12 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In recent years, urban stock renewal is the mainstream of urban design. Compared with the urban construction of "large-scale demolition and construction", stock renewal is more in line with the concept of sustainable development. In the face of unreasonable planning or poor management, public art has become an indispensable universal and reliable means of application. Especially for the treatment of scatter spaces in community, the intervention and application of public art can become a methodology. By analyzing the current situation, characteristics and causes of community abnormal space, and based on the cases at home and abroad, this paper puts forward the strategy of public art intervention in the renewal and transformation of community abnormal space, in order to build the neglected scatter spaces in community into a living space with humanistic care, arouse the residents' sense of identity and belonging, and endow the city with more vitality.

Key Words:public art; Scatter Spaces in Community; urban regeneration; application design