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单位:太原科技大学...     作者:甘柠瑞,杨刚俊     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-10-29

摘 要:产品的造型设计是吸引消费者的手段之一,同时也是传递情感和思想的客观物体,对视觉张力的研究使产品在造型上博得关注的同时,能与消费者产生更强的情感联动。文章从介绍张力的含义入手,分析产品与张力的关系,进而从造型的基本元素:点、线、面、空间四个方面,结合国内外优秀的作品分析,阐述了视觉张力在产品造型中的表现形式及不同的关系。以期通过此研究,在产品的造型设计时,能合理地构建视觉张力的关系,创造出富有动势、彰显个性风格的工业产品。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Modeling design of products is one of the means of attracting consumers as well as the objective object of conveying emotion and ideas. Study on visual tension can make products have an attractive model and have stronger emotional interaction with consumers. This paper analyzes the relationship between products and tension by introducing the meaning of tension and elaborates the pattern of manifestation of tension in product modeling and different tension relationships by analyzing domestic and overseas excellent works in four aspects of point, line, face and space, hoping to establish a reasonable visual tension relationship at the time of model design of products and create industrial products featured with kinetic potential and personality.

Key Words:Product design; modeling elements; visual tension