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单位:顺德职业技术...     作者:周淑君     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-06-24

摘 要:目前国内高校的图像处理课程多以教师讲授为主,教学内容枯燥,教学方法单一,学生难以从课堂上获得社会所需要的真才实学。为此,本文以期通过“以学生为中心”的德国职业教育法的研究,得出一套可以广泛应用于各类图像处理课程的教学模式,从而促进技能培训的同时,让学生得到全面的发展。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, many of the image processing courses in colleges and universities in China are taught in teacher-centered classrooms characterized by boring content and insufficiency in communications and interaction. In other words, it is difficult for students to obtain practical knowledge and skills required for the job and the society. In view of this, on the basis of a research on the student-centered approach applied in vocational education in Germany, this paper is to explore a work and action pattern that can be widely used in various image processing courses to improve relevant training and ensure the integrated development of the students.

Key Words:German Vocational Education Law; Image Processing; Teaching Reform