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单位:西南林业大学...     作者:刘力夫,李玮     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-12-22

摘 要:在课堂教学中融入课程思政,是高校落实立德树人根本任务的关键。因此,本文以《人机工程学》课程为例,首先阐述课程思政在《人机工程学》课程中的应用意义,然后介绍了课程思政在《人机工程学》课程中的应用思路。以期将人机工程学课程的基本理论与思想政治教育有机地进行融合,激发学生的爱党爱国热情,帮助学生在学习过程中端正学习态度、树立崇高目标,达到完善自身人生观、价值观和世界观的目的。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Incorporating curriculum ideology and politics into classroom teaching is the key to fulfilling the fundamental task of morality education in universities. Therefore, this article takes the "Ergonomics" course as an example, it explain the application significance of curriculum ideology and politics in the course of "Ergonomics",Then it introduced the application ideas of curriculum ideology and politics in the course of "Ergonomics". The thesis organically integrates the basic theories of ergonomics courses with ideological and political education. The course ideological and political inspires students' patriotism and patriotism, the ideological and political course inspires students' enthusiasm for patriotism and patriotism, it helps students correct their learning attitudes, to establish lofty goals, to achieve the goal of perfecting one's own outlook on life, values and world outlook.

Key Words:Curriculum ideology; Ergonomics; Colleges; Application; Strengthen moral education and cultivate people