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单位:广东生态工程...     作者:温宏岩     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-06-28

摘 要:文章基于目前高职院校建筑和室内设计专业《3DMax》课程模式与现状进行分析,针对教学中存在的问题进行探讨。立足于企业岗位需求,通过改革教学模式、改进授课方法与考核机制,提高学生在建筑与室内空间设计方面的表达能力与应用能力。使教学目标更符合企业岗位需求,发挥软件类课程易于对接企业项目的优势,从而强化学生在空间设计类职业岗位群中的适应能力。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This article analyzes the “3DMax” curriculum model and current situation of architecture and interior design in vocational colleges, and discusses the problems in teaching. At the same time, this article will be based on the post requirements of the enterprises, studies and reforms the educational models, improves the teaching methods and assessment mechanisms, raises students' expressive ability and application ability in terms of architectural and interior space design. In the end, the teaching objectives are more suitable for the job needs of enterprises, and software courses are easier to connect with enterprise projects, so as to improve students' job adaptability.

Key Words:vocational colleges; “3DMax” courses; teaching reform; job requirements