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单位:贵州师范学院...     作者:石含洲     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-03-10

摘 要:侗族传统手工艺数字化的保护传承模式日渐式微,数字化技术应用将会加强保护力度和改善传承局面。探索乡村振兴背景下侗族传统手工艺的数字化保护传承内容、模式和方法,对改善侗族传统手工艺保护传承的薄弱状态,推动侗族优秀传统手工艺保护传承的可持续发展具有全局性、关键性的引领作用。


中图分类号:J0 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Less has been done digitally to preserve traditional handicrafts of the Dong ethnic minority in recent years. Digital technology can help with the protection and inheritance of the century-old craftsmanship, and so to improve the current situation. Under the strategy of rural vitalisation, this article hopes to explore what needs preserving and inheriting in the traditional handicrafts and how digital technology should play its role in the preservation and inheritance. This article will serve as an important source of studies for improving the status quo of insufficient protection of traditional handicrafts of the Dong ethnic minority and will contribute to ensuring the sustainability of the excellence in the crafts. 

Key Words:Rural revitalization; Dong traditional handicraft; Digital inheritance