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单位:北京化工大学...     作者:孙韵涵,朱天阳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-17

摘 要:本文使用KANO模型对用户需求进行了调研分析,并通过KANO问卷、需求属性分析得到了需求重要性图表,并根据需求排序程度对生命体征监护仪进行设计。从必备需求、期望需求和魅力需求三个方面对用户的需求通过深入访谈等调查方法进行了探讨,准确定位用户需求并满足市场需求,设计出用户真正需要的生命体征监护仪产品。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper the KANO model was used to investigate and analyze the user's needs. The KANO questionnaire and demand attribute analysis were used to obtain the demand importance chart, and the vital sign monitor was designed according to the degree of demand. From the three aspects of necessary requirements, expected demand and attractive demand, the needs of users are discussed through in-depth interviews and other survey methods, accurately positioning user needs and meeting market demands, and designing vital vitality monitor products that users need.

Key Words:KANO model; Vital sign monitor design; user research