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单位:福建江夏学院     作者:陈诗涵,朱显达     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-17

摘 要:近些年来,设计不再仅仅考虑产品本身的使用功能,还开始关注于人在产品服务体验中的感受。因此,作为一个城市文化的重要载体的地铁,其设计也不能只停留在满足人们便捷出行的要求,还应更进一步关注人的体验和精神感受。但对福州地铁考察发现,现有设计缺乏文化体验,形式单一且同质化等问题突出。文章意在探讨地域文化内容、呈现形式以及融入地铁不同场景的可行性,为福州地铁服务体验提供新的视角和路径,同时深化体验理论的相关研究。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In recent years, design are not only focusing on the functionality of products, but also taking into account of how people feel about their product or service. Therefore, METRO as an important carrier of urban culture, it's design not only has to meet commuters mobility demands, but also needs to pay deep attention to their experience and spiritual feelings. However, the actual research of Fuzhou METRO revealed that there have many design flaws like Fuzhou METRO lacks cultural experience and stereotype artistic form. The article aims to explore the experience design feasibility of local cultural in different subways’ scenes by the way of collecting indigenous culture content and artistic expression, so as to bring a new perspective to Fuzhou METRO service experience and deepen the related research on experience theory.

Key Words:regional culture; Fuzhou metro; experience design