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单位:西北大学     作者:张文静     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-17

摘 要:本文通过对禅文化和养生文化进行研究,探讨将其结合后在现代设计上的应用,来展现原生自然、健康养生的文化精神内涵。因此在设计上,从材质的运用、氛围的营造、市场的定位、空间功能的划分、陈设元素和色彩灯光上都应洋溢着与主题相协调的文化内涵,整个设计风格或空间环境的品质也都应与之相协调。希望对现代设计思路有一定的借鉴作用。


中图分类号:J505 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Through the study of zen culture and health culture, this paper discusses the application of the combination of zen culture and health culture in modern design, to show the cultural and spiritual connotation of original nature and health. Therefore in the design, from the use of materials, atmosphere, market positioning, space function division, display elements and color lighting should be filled with the cultural connotation of coordination with the theme, the whole design style or the quality of the space environment should also be coordinated with it. Hope to have some reference for modern design ideas.

Key Words:Zen culture; Health culture; Modern design; application