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单位:福建师范大学...     作者:高闽霞     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-17

摘 要:传统民居历史悠久而且结构独特,传统建筑及装饰是自然和乡土文化的体现。平潭的建筑多由石头、木头和混凝土筑造而成。一般来说这样的建筑改造起来需要谨慎的思考,因为这种性质的建筑一般抗震性弱。随着时代的发展,平潭逐渐成为了旅游景区,随之而来,建筑改造成为风景旅游度假区而获得经济效益不可避免。而改造的民居出发点应该围绕如何将建筑的优点扩大,缺点尽量避免。本文通过对平潭北港村传统民居的特征及改造设计原则进行探讨,希望能对传统民居改造设计提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:TU241 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Traditional dwellings have a long history and unique structure. Traditional architecture and decoration are the embodiment of natural and local culture.The buildings in Pingtan are mostly made of stone, wood and concrete.Generally speaking, the transformation of such a building needs careful thinking, because buildings of this nature are generally weak in earthquake resistance.With the development of The Times, Pingtan has gradually become a tourist area, followed by the building transformation into a scenic tourist resort and economic benefits are inevitable.The starting point of the transformation of the residential houses should be around: how to expand the advantages of the building and avoid the disadvantages as far as possible.This paper discusses the characteristics and transformation design principles of traditional dwellings in Pingtan Beigang village, hoping to provide some references for the transformation design of traditional dwellings.

Key Words:Pingtan beigang village; Traditional dwellings; Renovation design