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单位:长春大学旅游学院     作者:郭聪聪     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-16

摘 要:本文通过对东北地域文化特征与冰雪产品的基本内涵进行阐释,论述冰雪产品设计现状,总结东北地域文化对冰雪产品设计的影响。文章通过对冰雪产品基本原则的分析,强调冰雪产品在设计中应遵循安全性原则、创新性原则、系统性原则,进而总结冰雪产品的基本设计方法:仿生设计方法、逆向工程设计方法。最后分析冰雪产品设计案例,说明冰雪产品设计应遵守的原则与方法。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper explains the cultural characteristics of Northeast China and the basic connotation of ice and snow products, discusses the current situation of ice and snow product design, and summarizes the influence of Northeast regional culture on the design of ice and snow products. The article analyzes the basic principles of ice and snow products and emphasizes that ice and snow products should be designed. Following the principles of safety, innovation, and system, we will summarize the basic design methods of ice and snow products: bionic design methods and reverse engineering design methods. Finally, analyze the design case of ice and snow products, and explain the principles and methods for designing ice and snow products.

Key Words:Ice and snow products; design; methods; region; culture