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单位:陕西科技大学     作者:张昌松,刘露     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-16

摘 要:在产品设计领域,用户群已经不满足于产品的使用功能,逐渐重视产品带来的深度体验和情感满足。本文主要从情感体验出发,分析了生育类产品的包装对用户群进行购买、使用过程中产生的情感体验及各类影响。通过调研分析,从不同角度体现此情感设计的重要性,设计满足用户需求的包装并总结规律,为此类包装设计带来有效帮助。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the field of product design, consumers are no longer satisfied with the use of products, but gradually pay attention to the deep experience and emotional satisfaction brought by products. This paper, from the perspective of emotional experience, analyzes the emotional experience and various influences of the packaging of reproductive products on the user group in the process of purchase and use. Through investigation and analysis, the importance of emotional design is reflected from different perspectives, and the packaging that meets the needs of users is designed and the rules are summarized, which can bring effective help to such packaging design.

Key Words:emotional experience; packaging design; reproductive products