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单位:华东理工大学...     作者:向梦琦,尚慧芳,王征宇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-16

摘 要:文章通过对户外空间儿童假装游戏行为的观察,分析儿童的游戏语言,探寻户外儿童游乐设施有助于儿童进行假装游戏的设计元素,以促进对儿童创造力的培养。文章通过对户外儿童游乐设施实例进行分析,认为在户外儿童游乐设施设计中,造型简单的抽象形状能较好包容儿童丰富的游戏主题,与儿童身体尺度相宜的可操作性设施构件有利于儿童即兴创造游戏情节,高低起伏的场地空间能帮助儿童进行游戏场景的切换。


中图分类号:TS952.8 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Article explores design elements of outdoor play facilities by observing the children's behavior and analyzing the children's game language when they engage in the pretend play in outdoor space, to help children with pretend play and improve their creativity. article analyzes the example of outdoor children's play facility, and considered that in the design of outdoor children's play facilities, the simple abstract shape can better accommodate children's rich game themes, Operational facility components that are suitable for children's physical size are benificial to children's creative use of game props, the ups and downs of the space can help children to switch between scenes of the stories.

Key Words: children; pretend play; outdoor play facilities design; creativity