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单位:中南大学建筑...     作者:黄娜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-16

摘 要:家居产品的识别是通过产品本身所具有的符号来体现的,用户根据家居产品的符号特征对其进行识别和区分。为了更好地区分家居产品,设计师需对其符号进行设计,使其体现不同的符号特征便于识别。本文通过从家居产品符号的形式表达、内容体现以及特定语境下的符号特征这三个方面进行家居产品的符号特征分析阐述,为设计师设计家居产品的符号提供设计方向,也为用户解读家居产品符号提供理论指导。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract: The identification of household products is embodied by the symbols that the products themselves have, and the users identify and distinguish them according to the symbolic characteristics of the household products. In order to better distinguish home products, designers need to design their symbols to reflect different symbol features for easy identification. This paper analyzes the symbolic features of household products from the three aspects of the expression of the household product symbols, the content manifestation and the symbolic features in the specific context. It provides the design direction for the designers to design the symbols of the household products, and also explains the home for the users. Product symbols provide theoretical guidance.

Key Words:household products; symbolic feature; formal expression; content embodiment; specific context