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单位:清华大学美术学院     作者:韩坤烔,王濛     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-01-16

摘 要:由于自然博物馆展品的特殊性,其展示形式较比其它博物馆更加生动和灵活。标本陈列、化石复原、景观复原等展示手法已广泛应用于自然博物馆的展示设计中。随着计算机的普及以及科学技术的发展,如今的展示方式已经满足不了观众对自然博物馆的精神需求。新技术被应用于自然博物馆的展示设计中,打破了传统沉闷的展示方式,使自然博物馆更具活力和魅力。但是,就目前新技术在自然博物馆的应用现状来看还存在一些不足。对此,本文总结了一些新技术在自然博物馆中的应用,对其应用效果进行了讨论,并提出了一些能够将新技术与自然博物馆展示陈列更好融合的策略。


中图分类号:TU242 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Display forms in nature museums are more vivid and flexible than other museums due to the particularity of the exhibits. Specimen display, fossil restoration, landscape restoration and other display methods have been widely used in the display design of natural museums. With the popularization of computer and the development of science and technology, the present way of display is not able to meet the spiritual needs of the audience for the natural museums. New technology is applied to the display design of natural museums, breaking the traditional boring way of display and making the natural museums more dynamic and charming. However, there are still some deficiencies in the current application of new technology in natural museums. This paper summarizes some applications of new technology in the nature museums, discusses the effects of display, and puts forward some strategies to better integrate new technology with the exhibition of natural museums.

Key Words:New technology; Museum of natural history; Display design